Missouri woman in awe of CarePortal connection
It’s been our incredible privilege to hear stories from the field here in the U.S., revealin how churches are diving deeper into the child welfare sustem through CarePortal.
We are excited to share GOEX is now a verified member of the Fair Trade Federation. With fewer than 200 members worldwide . . .
It’s been our incredible privilege to hear stories from the field here in the U.S., revealin how churches are diving deeper into the child welfare sustem through CarePortal.
It is our utter excitement to share with you the recognition of CarePortal Regional Manager Sue Baird.
One couple who responded to a CarePortal request shared their story and the transformative effect of responding to the need.
In our haste, we’d like to snap our fingers and POOF! REUNIFICATION! Rather, in their conservatorship, child welfare agencies must balance the circumstances of each case to determine the appropriate course of action.
We remember the more than 2,000 children who have been impacted by CarePortal since March 2015. We are grateful for each child who has been helped. Each one was worth the effort.
CarePortal is not only about the meeting of physical needs. The meeting of emotional and spiritual needs of hope to the hopeless is met when someone sacrificially gives or donates time, finances, and other resources to help their […]
Yet, for a family to meet Tier 2 and Ter 3 needs, they often lack the basic physical resources which allow them to serve.
From forgoing birthday presents, to biking across Haiti, this global family has done so many amazing things to raise money and care for kids around the world.
Sometimes stepping into the world that exists within walls in Haiti, you never know how the kids will react to you.
As the children are taught and trained how to plant appropriately- with the girls poking holes and the boys planting seeds- the life skills and knowledge that come from such education are extraordinarily rewarding.