Praying for you
Trace Thurlby, Live from KC
We are grateful, especially today as we consider the Cross. The Truth of who Jesus Christ is and what He did for us is LIFE itself. He is the hope that lies within us. We are so grateful for Him and we are grateful for you. We hope by now you know that. We do love you, but did you know we’re also praying for you? Specifically, Lynn West and her team of faithful volunteers pray for you by name.
You may not know Lynn, but many of you have received a hand-written thank you note from The GO Project. Lynn and her team of seven other Godly servants write those by hand. They give hours of their time to say, “Thank you!” They’ve done so roughly 3,000 times this year. Lynn has personally written hundreds herself, but that’s not all. Before each letter is mailed, Lynn’s team prays. They thank God for you! They ask for God’s favor to be with you and your family. They ask for His blessing on your contribution for His kids.
Our Lord said that He who wants to be great among you must become a servant. Lynn West is great, and she is praying for you. Happy Easter! Jesus is Risen!