"Praise You in the Storm"
Praise You in the Storm is the title from Casting Crowns’ song  which captures our heart for Haiti these last few days as Hurricane/Tropical Storm Tomas approached and is now past. The threat was real. While none of our children were hurt, eight people died from flooding in the south. The kids of Cassamajor did go to Pastor Clotaire’s and are back safely in the village now. (The kids at Cavaillon did not go to Cambry, because the waters subsided before evacuation was necessary.) Our team is conducting further assessment in the south, and Tate is on his way with supplies to address areas of need. ÂÂ
In Gonaives, the biggest concern now is cholera. Seven people are reported dead this morning in Raboteau’s hospital, which is also full. Of course, a major concern is spread of the disease caused by post-storm conditions.  The kids in our Global Orphan Project homes in Gonaives are fine. There was no flood there.
Some of the news is difficult, but here’s the major story: what was once predicted to be a Category 3 Hurricane bearing down on the heart of Port Au Prince’s tent cities drifted west. The resulting damage was only a fraction of what it would have been. Thousands prayed for mercy. God answered those prayers. We are grateful, and we give Him praise.