Not About Us
Trace Thurlby, Live from KC
For the first time since the earthquake, we’re all home in KC. We’re grateful for the opportunity to process, plan, worship with our families during Holy week, and prepare for what God has for us next. Sitting in an office using MS Outlook is different than making a Haitian hospital run in the back of a tap-tap. Yet, while the setting has changed, the Story remains the same: God is calling His people to care for His kids. It’s undeniable.

Duane and Vickie "Paying It Forward" again.
This morning we saw more evidence that Aslan is on the move. A blog from the Rust family told the story of God piercing their hearts to care for the orphan. He is now moving in miraculous ways on both husband and wife to adopt. Adoption is a beautiful thing! We also had Vicki Colvin and Duane Graber from Briarcliff Elementary stop by. Fox 4 recently recognized Vickie with their “Pay it Forward” award. Consistent with her heart for others, Vickie “Paid It Forward” again by giving the money she received from Fox 4 to care for orphaned and abandoned children around the world. Finally, Mike and Beth received an e-mail from a 5th grader in Texas…
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fox,
My grandmother saw your website and thought it was very interesting because you are helping orphans all over the world.
My brother and I started a non profit organization called “Kids Caring For Kids“…several years ago we started donating part of our allowance. Last year we decided that we need to help more kids at the orphanage. We have been having different fundraisers and are also asking other kids around the world to do the same…The biggest problem we have is spreading the word… We think kids have the power to really change the world.
Do you think you might be able to help us out in getting our word spread around the world? I thank you so much for helping me if you can and the orphans will be so happy that you care about them.
Your friend, Ally Carpenter
At the GO Project, we couldn’t care less about building our own fiefdom. Caring for God’s children is God’s work. The task is monumental. The stakes are eternal. There’s plenty of room at His table for all who are called to serve. We celebrate the Rust’s family obedience! We’re humbled by Vickie’s generosity! We applaud (standing ovation actually!) the determination and commitment of Ally and her brother, and we’re so grateful you’ve accepted God’s invitation to join Him in (t)HIS work! We love you! Press on!