"Let go and Let God" or "Trust Him and Press On!"
Yesterday, Pastor Alistair Begg talked about the effort required in following Jesus. With his stubborn Scottish accent, he indicted the “Let go and Let God” bumper sticker statement. Instead, he exhorted us to “Trust God and Press on!” While I understand the “let go and let God” thinking – many things are out of our control; we are commanded not to worry, etc. – Pastor Begg rightly explained that the life that counts is not one of simply sitting around waiting for God to pull rabbits out of hats. In fact, paradoxically, it is often quite the opposite.
In His Word, God commands us to join Him in the battle. “Go and make disciples…feed the poor…clothe the naked…pray without ceasing…care for the widow and the orphan….” Such tasks seem too big for us, so we retreat to our cul-de-sacs, garage door openers and domestic comforts. It’s easier to not think about such difficult things. It’s at this moment that we must “Trust God and Press on!”
This is precisely what Pastor Kesnel’s team of young men and women is doing in Haiti. In a country with many problems, Kesnel and his bride, Yanick, realize that for Haiti’s children to thrive more people need to be trained to lead in the work of caring for the orphaned and abandoned. Therefore, he’s inviting people from the community to come, give God their best, serve children living at his All-in-One village, and trust Him for the results.
Please pray for God’s hand of favor on this team that is trusting God and pressing on, and please pray for us here that we’d have the faith and courage to do the same!