KC Sending Academy
To assist Adopting Churches to send orphaned children out of State/Street life and into the productive life God intends for them, a consortium of partners – area churches, area businesses, and The Global Orphan Project (GO Project) – are coming together via the Kansas City Sending Academy.
The spirit of the Sending Academy is that the children cut out by the sin of the world have been set apart and anointed by God to be sent; to bring positive change through local churches into their communities. This upside-down spirit is well captured by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. This is a completely different spiritual paradigm than many “transition” ministries and services.
The Academy will focus on the most underserved orphaned children in our community; older children aging out of care and into troubled adult lives. Adopting Churches will provide the basic family care to the children at issue, and the Academy will provide critical support for this effort through a two year intensive focus on: (a) Discipleship; and (b) Work.
God willing, the Academy will grow to serve target children. It will have multiple active businesses, including an Anchor Business, connected to it. The Academy will also impact hundreds of families connected to it from area Adopting Churches.
The Academy will serve as a community-based hub for orphan care and orphan prevention through family, and a model to be replicated in other cities.
For more information or to get involved, please contact Adrien Lewis at [email protected].