It's a small world after all…
When the artwork of a Kansas school girl inspires a yoga studio in Singapore to help orphans in Uganda, the world seems wonderfully small. We love that and stand in awe of the many real-life stories that we couldn’t make up on even our most creative days!
Here are excerpts we recently received from an e-mail from our new friend, Tanya:
I was in the midst of preparing a 40-day intensive yoga program for my students at “Absolute” revolving around the theme of transformation-so in the midst of preparing the curriculum for the program I stumbled upon the YouTube feature about a six-year-old girl who made greeting cards to raise money to build an orphanage. Immediately I was inspired to integrate this component of service into the yoga program.
We packed the room to capacity everyday for 40 days. The classes are notoriously challenging-our higher purpose was to offer our support to these children in need. So when times got tough, it was in remembering this (orphaned and abadonded children) that gave my students strength…
These students then reached out to our extended community and asked for support…I witnessed profound transformation in my students. I saw people breakdown and breakthrough as individuals and as a community. It was a powerful experience for everyone involved…When reached the final day – emotions were high, we had forged such meaningful relationships, struggled and succeeded together with the higher purpose of giving forgotten children a chance. The tally came in, we raised over $26,000 . Tears of joy filled the room.
Thank you to the Global Orphan Project for their beautiful work.
Much Love, Tanya
Thank you, Tanya and team! Thank you to all of you in The GO Project family whose stories of love and service weave together to care for kids.