Hello from Cambodia!
From: Joe Knittig
We just visited Solid Rock Village in Kampong Thom. This was one of our first orphan care works in the world.
Here’s a pic of the kids here. They are doing GREAT. There are 47 children in residential care and nearly 200 in school. Pastor Peng Castro’s leadership shines through.
I remember getting a cute picture of Mercy Flora when she was just a baby. She’s growing up; so great to meet her in person.
Meet Andrew. He’s the littlest guy here at Kampong Thom. If you know me, you know I love the way Andrew wears his britches. (Mine come up to my low chest.)
By the way, Andrew was brought here looking like a malnourished newborn, and he had no known name. Turns out he was almost4 months old when found. We’ll share more of his story and photos when we get back. He’s doing great.
Arnold here just got the news that he’s coming to dinner at the Kampong Thom children’s home. Guest of honor!
We didn’t appreciate his response…after dinner, we’ll be en route to Phmom Penh.
Faithfully yours, Joe