February Newsletter
There’s more to this life.We’re blessed to live in America. It’s the greatest country in the world. Our families prosper. Our businesses prosper. We prosper. Even in the hard times, we prosper. Even when it doesn’t feel like it, we prosper.
But our prosperity carries a hefty price tag.
The phone rings. “You have 12 new messages.” The e-mail floods in. Instant messages. “Get back to me ASAP!” “I’ve got to get that deal done.” “Now what’s going on Thursday? I know there’s something.” Toys on the floor. Dishes in the sink. Retirement? “My life’s busier than ever.” Stay at home mom has no time to even shower. Home repairs. Vacation home repairs. Don’t really know our children and grandchildren. Late for church – again. Late for ballet – again. Late for dinner – again. Late. Behind. Tired. Numb. On auto-pilot – desensitized as we cruise towards the end of this life.
Please: take a breather.
What does this have to do with orphans? Everything. James 1:27 states: “Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Those of us in the growing C3 Community aren’t merely writing checks and adding orphan care to our “to do” list. We’re making life adjustments and giving our resources to set apart a James 1:27 space. If we just slow down a bit and make changes in our priorities and schedules to do James 1:27, good things happen. Good things in our own hearts and relationships. A simple priority – caring for orphans – has profound and life-giving ripple effects.
This is not sad, miserable, joy sucking “ministry.” This is exceedingly joyful.
Click here to see the”More To This Life” video. Soak it in. Join us.
2007 Year End – Haiti Update – Moving Forward
We targeted 34 new homes in Haiti for the first half of 2008. We’re excited to tell you that 26 of these homes are funded and under construction! The first 5 of these 24 will be complete and home to 270 children at the end of March. We currently expect that the remainder will be built and child-ready no later than July 1.
We’re adding 10 more Haiti homes to our Q1 and Q2 plans. With these homes, we have opportunities for the following:
2 homes – 60 children each – $25,000 per home;
10 homes – 30 children each – $15,000 per home;
6 homes – 15 children each – $7,500 per home (these are duplexes; $15k/duplex).
Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi Update – Moving Forward
The first home in a new place is always the toughest and most important. We bridge the expectation / reality divide. We pave the way to replicability (if that’s a word).
We just completed our first C3 Uganda home and welcomed our first 29 children. Pray for these little ones:
Click here to see the children’s bio’s.
You think their lives have just changed a bit? Thanks to the C3 Community for making this happen.
On the Uganda front, we currently have 29 children in this home en route to 50. We’re looking for a home sponsor to take on this home as a personal ministry – whether an individual, a family, a business, a small group, a church, etc. The cost is $40 per month per child, so the entire home is $1,160/month and will go to $2,000 per month later this year as we fill the home. Interested? Call or e-mail Joe Knittig (816-547-1495; [email protected]).
Several C3 Advocates – Tom and Sheri Schrader and Brian and Vicki Nagel – are breaking ground on the first C3 Rwanda home. Again, the first sets the tone, so this is a huge step. The Schraders and Nagels are engaging their business, Cottage Care, and their friends and family in this project, and expect to start with 10 homes (8 children and a new momma in each). We’ll break ground on the Beta in March.
Independently, through our C3 Advocates, and through our relationship with Saddleback, we’re doing a great deal of preparation for our work in Rwanda. Please continue to lift this up in prayer as we sense the momentum picking-up. For many of you called to help in Africa, pray about this.
We’ll keep you posted.
C3 has been working with several amazing doctors to develop an initial C3 cluster in Malawi, which would include up to 20 orphan homes, a medical clinic, and a school. We’re at a starting point for this project, and plan to begin with our Beta home. Please pray for this project, and stay tuned for Malawi opportunities.
Philippines Update – Moving Forward
C3 is placing 4 housing units for 80 children, total, in Mindanao. And we are ready to roll! We’ve done the spadework and this project is ripe. Each orphan home will cost $15,000 for up to 20 children and their mommas. If you’d like to connect with this project, please get with us. This is C3’s first foray into the Philippines, and we couldn’t be more blessed or excited.
Housekeeping Matters
(1) Remember C3 First Fridays
Friday, March 7th from 11am-1pm at the C3 office. Come by. Bring others interested in this Movement. We’ll see you there.
(2) New C3 Address
Many of you have been sending checks and correspondence to our old P.O. Box. Please make note of our new address:
C3 Missions International, Inc.
3000 NW 50th St.
Kansas City (Riverside), Missouri 64150
(3) Vitamins, Please
We’re taking a group to Haiti March 27-31. We’re in need of children’s vitamins to take down to our children. If you can help with this, please contact Angie at [email protected].
Concluding Thoughts
There’s more to this life, friends.
Join us in this effort. Make this your personal ministry. Your family’s ministry. Your small group’s ministry. Your company’s ministry. Your church’s ministry. Unapologetically, we’re asking you to join us and expand the C3 family.
Faithfully yours,
Your C3 Partners