"Encouraging" Doesn't Do Justice
Last year, despite a weak economy, American businesses gave more to charities than they did in 2008. That’s encouraging, but the word “encouraging” simply doesn’t do justice to what is going on at one St. Louis-based insurance company.
In 1995, John Keane founded The Keane Insurance Group to meet a variety of insurance and asset needs. They created a niche in providing medical malpractice insurance and became a national leader. Today, The Keane Group has more than 5,000 physician clients and 60 employees, including several family members. Due to the principled culture, an employee shared with us that “people really don’t ever leave their jobs.” By any secular metric, the business is a success, but John’s vision goes beyond the bottom line…far beyond.
After the earthquake, John heard about The Global Orphan Project and flew to KC to “kick the tires.” Since then, John has been to Haiti twice with GO. He’s taken three of his eight kids down to serve with him, and they’ve committed to sponsor a village in Arachie, and they are just getting started. The Keane Group formed their own non-profit 501c3, called The Haiti Orphan Project. One of their Professional Liability Consultants, Les Prouty, now serves as the Executive Director of The Haiti Orphan Project and is inviting clients, employees, and friends of The Keane Group into the adventure of caring for orphaned and abandoned children.
Encouraging? We think it’s downright inspiring!

John Keane and three of his sons caring for kids in Haiti.