Creation Creativity
Your creativity to help orphaned and abandoned children often amazes us. Moise and I spent some time this morning with the McElyeas. Kevin and Janet McElyea have seven children and run an engineering business, but in their “free time” they are dedicated to loving orphans and widows. Their love takes various forms; the most creative may be their Soap of Hope.
Each morning they milk their goats, which starts a process that would make any scientist proud. Today they even got a little help from a faithful Haitian pastor. The end result is a variety of soaps that are the envy of European spas. They look like perfect stocking stuffers or those little friendship presents that ladies give each other. Men, confident in their masculinity, will go for the Tea Tree soap. Take a look
The best part? All the profits go to care for orphans and widows. Using God’s creation to care for God’s children, both young and old. How cool is that! We love your creativity and consider it a great privilege to love with you!