CarePortal Implementation Depends on the 3Fs
As part of CarePortal’s first birthday celebration, we brought together CarePortal staff, volunteers, and interested parties from nine states. These representatives included delegates from states in which CarePortal is not currently operating. These individuals represent a wider community that is interested in learning more about bringing CarePortal to their community.
Many continue to ask the question how CarePortal can be brought to their community. If you are a waiting church or simply interested in launching CarePortal in your county, this email is for you.
Throughout the first year, we learned some valuable lessons regarding a healthy launch of CarePortal in a new community. For CarePortal to hit the ground running, we identified 3Fs as critical elements of roll out. The 3Fs are the following:
Feet – Who is serving the local agencies and churches? Who is stimulating relationships and working to overcome local barriers?
Favor – Are there stakeholders in the respective child welfare agencies that advocate the use of CarePortal to meet the needs of local families? Are a few churches willing to lead?
Funding – Is incubation funding available to support CarePortal team and technology as relationships between the Church, State, and CarePortal are cultivated?
Each F plays a vital role to ensure CarePortal’s short-term and long-term success.
Local ambassadors.
Local advocacy.
Local ownership.
CarePortal is a globally local ministry. The Global Orphan Project stands on a global vision for local care. In all that we do, we seek to equip the local church to respond to the needs of local communities.
1 Corinthians 12:27 – Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
Global body, local members.
Care to learn more about launching CarePortal in your community? Contact us here for more information.