small, relevant and eco-friendly children’s homes in a village around a church, school and clinic.
Build a home: You can help Build a Home for orphaned and abandoned kids around the world, in many cases, for a lot less than you may think. Typically a home for 10 kids and a “mama” is around $20,000 ($5K to build and $15K for 3 years of care & support). Just tell us a little more about what kind of project you would like to do and we will help you. BUILD A HOME>>
Build a village: You can Build an entire Village for ~$200,000 dedicated to the care for orphaned and abandoned kids. A typical Village has 15 homes, a school, latrines, a well, a kitchen and more….all centered around a Regional Clinic and Church. A great project for your business, small group, church or family and anyone really. Just tell us a little more and we can help put together a great plan to bring care to these kids with you. BUILD A VILLAGE>>