Better than a Basket
Around the world, babies sleep in all kinds of places. Moms in Africa use wraps to strap little ones to their backs for hours. Closer to home, little droolers sometimes catch a nap while hanging like a cluster of grapes from a Baby Bjorn or some similar knockoff. Other kiddos make their way into their parents’ beds. So when The Care Portal indicated that a single Missouri mom had been using a laundry basket for her baby’s bed, we understood how that could happen. Still, living a community where we have stuff coming out of our ears (not to mention our garages, attics, basements, and storage sheds), scores of churches, and a mandate to love our neighbor, couldn’t we do better than a basket?
Church of the Four Corners thought so. They stepped up and delivered a crib. We celebrate the baby bed, but even more, we celebrate the church stepping into the life of a single mom in need! We celebrate a big view of family, and we hope God will use this small act of kindness to bring about significant blessings…blessings that go far beyond a basket or even a bassinet. We know He can. We trust He will.