Arizona Government Advocates CarePortal
“This type of connection between faith based organizations and government is vital to restoring balance between protection and charity. As the good book says, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken; DCS, the Church, and the CarePortal just formed three strands.”
So says Greg McKay, Director of the Department of Child Safety (“DCS”) in Arizona. DCS of Pima County (AZ) met in Tucson recently for the launch of CarePortal in Arizona. As part of the DSC gathering, a representative from the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family accepted the call to champion CarePortal across the state.
McKay recognizes the challenges of foster care as well as the difficulties for Arizona families to interact with the foster care system. Regarding Arizona families, he notes, “Too often however, their desire to serve and provide for someone is stymied by lengthy bureaucratic processes.”
McKay’s insights reflect a profound need for the church to step into the gap to help those who are in need. What’s required is an efficient manner for church engagement: that’s where CarePortal steps in. CarePortal eases and streamlines the process of communicating needs while also building a network of likeminded churches to address the very tangible, very immediate needs of the community.
Imagine a scenario in which social workers were overwhelmed by church response to serve the children and families of their city. What would the testimony of the church in that community be?
Please join us in praying for the three strands in Arizona.
To read the full press release, please click here>>
Interested in enrolling your church in CarePortal? Contact us for more information.