April Newsletter
April 2008 – Choose an Attitude
When we stick our heads up out of ourselves, and look at the world’s news, what do we see? What stories grab our attention? What shapes our approach to everyday life – our attitudes, decisions, and views?
Since this is a “news” letter, let’s talk about news. Let’s contrast the dominant world news and C3’s news of the last 30 days.
World News: The Pattern of This World
Check out this CNN story.
Google in “world food crisis” and see what you get. Overpopulation – we’re doomed! Fuel Prices Skyrocket With No End in Sight – we’re doomed! Biofuel Push Adds to Problem – we’re doomed! Food Riots in Haiti – they’re doomed! 36 Nations on Brink of Food Disaster – they’re doomed, too!
In the last 30 days, the media has awakened to how the world food crisis chokes off the poor. This isn’t new news. This is old news that just became “newsworthy” because masses of the most desperate finally snapped. It’s an opportunity to flash video depicting hurting people as animals taking to the streets, and smarty-pants experts pontificating “I told you so” platitudes that go absolutely nowhere. The media loves bad news. And let’s face it, the media loves and exploits bad news because we, the consumers, love crisis. We can’t help but to linger and wallow in it.
In following the news the last 30 days, we’ve seen one dominant call for help. The UN wants various governments to pony up several hundred million dollars to buy food for the poor as a short-term help. That’s great. That should happen. That’s it, though?
Where do you fit into this news? Is there any good news at all? We’re certainly not seeing or hearing about it. It’s all doom and gloom of epic proportions. And, certainly, there’s no place for you to participate. For crying out loud, why would you participate in the hopeless mess presented by the media?
Darkness. Huge problems. Don’t look for God. You don’t matter. No hope for them. They need a Savior, not you. Might as well serve and save yourself and stick with the status quo. That’s the pattern of this world, true to form in the last 30 days.
C3 News: Transforming and Renewing Your Mind
Now let us introduce you to our photo-of-the-month honorees. From left to right, meet Francie Stoner (C3’s Healthcare Coordinator); Dan and Sheila Tasset (Nueterra Healthcare and Integral Life Foundation); Kent McAllister (Nueterra and Integral); and Dr. Rex Ragsdale (Doctor with Cerner).
Let us tell you what they and others have been doing with C3 the last 30 days.
The most exposed, vulnerable people in these countries you’ve been hearing so much about are orphans. If you really want to see whether there’s any evidence of hope, look to the lowest.
Francie ([email protected]), a VP at Cerner Corporation and C3’s Healthcare Coordinator, is giving her time and talent to coordinate healthcare delivery to orphans. Dan, Sheila and Kent with Nueterra (www.nueterrahealthcare.com) have formed the Integral Life Foundation (www.integrallifefoundation.com). Nueterra and Integral are committing their resources, time, and know-how to provide healthcare to the orphans of Haiti and around the world, partnering with C3. Dr. Ragsdale is spearheading a practical, clinical protocol for basic healthcare delivery to the C3 children. And, Cerner, through its First Hand Foundation, is providing critical IT capability to help facilitate the care of these orphaned children through cutting edge EMR technology.
In the last 30 days, this group gathered in Haiti with C3 to begin establishing a reliable and replicable model of care. The goal? To provide a basic healthcare model for C3’s children – and well beyond – that can be planted again, and again, and again all over the poorest regions of the world.
That’s news of a different kind.
In the last 30 days, one of C3’s strategic partners commenced operations of a call center within a C3 cluster, with all profits going to care for more C3 children. Rob Boyer ([email protected]), C3’s Enterprise Development Coordinator, has set a 4/29 conference for 20 plus entrepreneurs to address how to use their resources – financial and brainpower – to spur economic and agricultural development within the C3 model. These initiatives will (a) create jobs in the areas where C3 serves, and (b) generate profit to pay for orphan care. The response has been overwhelming, with so many of you rallying to this call.
That’s news of a different kind.
When the demonstrations hit Haiti 2 weeks ago, we received an emergency notice from C3’s Haitian partners. We had 2 weeks of food surplus left for the 620 children in C3 homes, and virtually no way to get food into port in the next 4 weeks. By God’s provision, we made a few phone calls and sent a few e-mails, and voila, others within Haiti provided 2 months of food for our children. We also arranged for ongoing food support 200,000 plus meals at a time. This just means a little more giving and participation among the C3 Community.
In the last 30 days, 118 individuals, families, companies and churches donated more than $140,000 to C3. 100% of these contributions go to C3’s mission for these children; not a dime in our pockets. The more people who plug in, the more children C3 and its indigenous partners will care for. It’s that simple.
All of this care is taking place through the local church, the greatest distribution network for hope and practical care on the planet.
That’s news of a different kind.
So What’s the Point?
Per Paul Harvey, there is a “rest of the story.” Motives and darkness notwithstanding, we’re glad that the public eye has turned to the poorest of the world. But each of us must choose what to do with these facts. The Bible says: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2. Paraphrased for the news of the last 30 days: Don’t get bogged down and discouraged by popular media coverage that tells you to crawl in a hole. Participate. Engage. Give.
Acting in faith changes our attitudes. It’s much more than writing a check. It brings faith to life.
$40/Month Life Cost
We want to push the envelope. It costs us $40/month/child to pay for basic life costs: food, education, medication, clothing, etc… Will you commit to $40/month? Do you know of others who might? Will you ask them? There’s nothing in it for us. We’re transparent about our motive for pushing this request. More monthly life cost givers = more children in the C3 fold.
Please send Cathie Simpson ([email protected]) an e-mail letting her know that you’ll commit to $40/month.
Thanks Angie and Welcome Cathie
Many of you know that Angie, our Administrative Manager, and her husband, Nate, are expecting Baby #1. Angie is starting the process of transitioning into her upcoming full-time mommy duties. She’ll always be a part of C3, but a critical family calling approaches. Cathie Simpson has joined C3 as the incoming Administrative Manager. Cathie has joined C3 from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, her wonderful home church and place of service for years, because she feels compelled to orphan care. We’re thrilled to have Cathie with us. You’ll love her, just like Angie.
Please take some time to thank Angie ([email protected]) for all she does and continues to do, and to welcome Cathie ([email protected]).
Prayer Team
Last month we put out an APB to become part of the C3 Prayer Team. We’re going at it again. This is an important way to engage at C3. If you’d like to join the Prayer Team, please e-mail Doug Freeman – [email protected].
Africa Trip
Mike and Joe head to Africa May 19. They’re going to Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The purpose of the trip is to meet with current and prospective C3 partners to get new orphan care works framed and in progress. Please pray for this trip – that God will go ahead and pave the way for thousands of children to come home. We’ll let you know what happened when they get back.
Clothes & Shoes
Do you have nice children’s summer clothes and shoes available (including “go to church” clothes)? If so, we can give them a home. We take about a dozen trips a year to Haiti, and our team members (gladly) serve as pack mules to get needed supplies to our children. Why pay for a container when we can take the stuff with us? We need boys and girls summer clothes and shoes – ages 3 through 12.
If you’d like to give clothes and shoes, please reach out to Cathie ([email protected]). She’ll make arrangements to meet you at the C3 office.
May 20 Mango Room Event – HEAD’S UP!
You’ve received notice about the May 20 Mango Room party. And based on the feedback many of you’ve given, this event is picking up serious steam. But here’s a minor wrinkle: the Mango Room just closed for business. We are in the process of re-locating the event. You will soon get an update of the new location.
C3 First Friday Reminder – BBQ Friday Afternoon – May 2 at 4:00 p.m.
Join us on Friday, May 2, starting at 4 p.m. at the C3 office. The C3 Smoker isn’t quite ready, but we’re BBQing anyway. Knock off of work early and come. And bring friends.
Concluding Thoughts
Join us in this effort. Make this your personal ministry. Your family’s ministry. Your small group’s ministry. Your company’s ministry. Your church’s ministry. Unapologetically, we’re asking you to join us and expand the C3 family.
Faithfully yours,
Your C3 Partners