Excitement in Haiti: Sewing Center Opens
by John Carr in Haiti
EXCITEMENT and hope often go hand in hand. The breeze blows lazily on a hot day. To the untrained eye this may appear to be just another summer day in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti. But to the trained eye, there is a tangible difference in the air. Mademoiselle Troica, the head seamstress has waited months for this day. Her EXCITEMENT is absolutely contagious. EXCITEMENT begins to spread first in the employees of the new sewing center, quickly spreading to the kids that this center will help support, and finally washes over the two vision trips who came to the grand opening of the sewing center. It is unmistakably the work of God that so many people would show up to support Haitian business enterprising and some very amazing children. The thing that gets me so EXCITED is the hope that is found in the eyes of the men and women who believe that the Lord will bless their work.
When the time comes to dedicate the sewing center, a few people stood up to pray and talk about their experiences. Jake Barreth, director of operations for GO Haiti spoke briefly of the joy he has had being a part in the plan God is forging. Alan Dietrich gave a prayer of dedication and the ceremony ended with a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving and dedication by Pastor Calixte.
To be at this event, in the middle of the Lords plan, it can only be described as…EXCITING.